Sam Scott Pottery
It is my belief that artists do not spring from nowhere. They are the result of their teachers, mentors and peers. Over the years I have been very fortunate to have had great influences and role models. Beginning in high school with Bob Gee. When I went to the UW in the early 1970s, my professors were Bob Sperry, Patti Warashina and Howard Kottler. They all had a huge impact on my future, but it was Bob Sperry who left an indelible imprint on my work that continues today.
It is for this reason that I include their work on this page to demonstrate the impact they each made.

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This piece was made by Bob Gee in the early 1970s.

These seven pieces were made by Bob Sperry from the 1960s to the 1980s.

These ten pieces were made by Patti Warashina from the late1960s to the mid 2000s.

These pieces were made by Howard Kottler. He was helping change the attitude about using clay as an Art medium instead of Craft. The bowl was made in the 1950s and the plates were created in the early 1970s.