Sam Scott Pottery
This page will include information about studio sales, exhibitions and awards that I have recently won. Check periodically to find out what is happening.

2024 Holiday Studio Opening
Fortunately, It has been a little over 3 years since my brain surgery and I am still working. I will be opening my studio for my 2024 Holiday Studio Opening, I will be going back to open all day Saturday, November 30th, 10-5pm and Sunday, December 1st, 12-4 pm. If you cannot swing by on the weekend after Thanksgiving, contact me to set up an appointment the following week. Each day I will be available for an appointment 1-5pm. Exceptions can be made, please contact me.
I will have lots of pots on hand! Over 700 pieces.
I am ready a bit earlier this year so hopefully it is more convenient for everyone.
Before I send out work to the galleries, I hope to see old friends during that weekend after Thanksgiving. We are vaccinated and boosted over here so I hope people are comfortable and vaccinated as well.
I hope to see many of you!
Please email me at cheerspots@yahoo.com, press the contact Sam button at the bottom of this page or call (206) 5421944 to set up an appointment time to come by.
My Address is 18502 6th Ave NW, Shoreline 98177. Phone (206) 5421944.
I usually have more than 700 pieces in a large variety of work I normally do. If you have any questions please contact me.

Directions: Coming from the South on I5 get off at 175th Street exit in Shoreline. Go left under the freeway (West) to Aurora (99). At Aurora turn right (North) and go to 185th. Get in the left turn lane and turn left (West). Go to the 4th stop light, which is 3rd Ave NW, and turn left (south). Go one block to the traffic circle, which is 185th, and turn right (west). You are now on 185th headed West so go to 6th Ave NW. Look to your right and I am on the NE corner of 185th and 6th Ave NW.
Directions: Coming from the North on I5 get off at 205th Street exit in Shoreline. Go right (West) to Aurora (99). Do not veer to the right on the way it will take you to Edmonds. At Aurora (99) go straight on 205th until you go down a steep hill, at the bottom the first left turn you come to will be 3rd Ave NW, turn left (south) onto 3rd. You will go up a steep hill and go 20 blocks to 185th street. At 185th you will be at a traffic circle so turn right (west). You are now on 185th headed West so go to 6th Ave NW. Look to your right and I am on the NE corner of 185th and 6th Ave NW.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

In October, 2024 I had 3 pieces in the "Wichita National Ceramics Invitational" Exhibition. It was held at the Reuben Saunders Gallery in Wichita, KS. The work was selected for a $500 Peoples Choice Award as well as it all sold.
I have retired from teaching an evening Ceramics course at Shoreline Community College that I taught since 1999. Although I am no longer there, if you are interested in a college level class, contact the school to see about registration.

I will have work published in the new book Amazing Glaze: Techniques, Recipes, Finishing and Firing, by Gabriel Kline, with a forward by John Britt.

I had an exhibition with Susan Dewsnap at In Tandem Gallery in Bakersville, NC in Sept. 2018

In September this piece won First Place, Artisan Works, at the Arts of the Terrace Exhibition in Mountlake Terrace, WA

In June, 2019, I had work in the Clay AKAR Yunomi show.
Clay AKAR https://www.clayakar.com/collections/yunomi-invitational-may-2019?page=48
This piece won the COMET award ($500) at the 2019 Edmonds Arts Festival in June.

This Vase won First Place in the Artison work catagory at the Mountlake Terrace, Arts of the Terrace Exhibition. Sept. 2019.